The Binding Edge
The Printing Industries of America has free guidance materials and information for its members through Printing Industries of America affiliates addressing OSHA’s revised Hazard Communication Standard.
The Environmental, Health and Safety Affairs Department developed these tools to prepare members for the first action deadline of Dec. 1, 2013. The program is designed specifically for printing operations.
The printed guidebook will be available through local PIA affiliates in fall 2013, along with supplemental information available online to guide printers step-by-step through the process. The program includes information on the revised standard and the new SDS and labeling system; instructions for updating an existing HCS program or developing a new one, including a sample program and forms; and specific training tools (video, PowerPoint, etc.) for training appropriate staff. Additional support for those who are looking for extra help also is available.
For more information, visit A members-only login is required.