Duplo Offers Automated Digital Print Finishing


A new sheet feeder from Duplo USA, Santa Ana, California, is among the company’s growing range of booklet systems along with its slitting/cutting/creasing solutions.

The DSF-6000 high-speed sheet feeder is configured with the DBM-600 bookletmaker and processes pre-collated digital or offset documents at a rate of up to 600 sheets per minute. In partnership with Ricoh, the 350R inline booklet system integrates the Duplo DBM-350/T bookletmaker and trimmer with the Ricoh Pro C9100/8100/7100 series of production printers. Additionally, the DC-746 slitter/cutter/creaser offers new features, including optional rotary tool and cross perforating modules, both with strike-perforating capabilities.

For more information, visit www.duplousa.com.