Mohawk Announces New Quarterly Issue

Mohawk Announces New Quarterly Issue



The 11th issue of the Mohawk Maker Quarterly series features content on the topic of process.

Mohawk, Cohoes, New York, along with Hybrid Design, announced the publication of the 11th issue of the Mohawk Maker Quarterly series, featuring content focused on the topic of process.

The five chapters look at the process of making and the circuitous journey involved. Each chapter maps the paths makers take to get from start to finish and how process can influence, shape and define the end product. Early in the design process, the team at Hybrid chose an 8.25×10.75” sketchbook size format to echo the theme of the issue. The 80 pages of this issue are made up of five signatures, showing five different Mohawk papers, whose unique characteristics are a direct result of the papermaking process.

Open, Smyth sewn bindery and a tactile, rough edge trim all suggest an “in-process” feel for this issue. Throughout, the design team has incorporated expansive footnotes to bring the reader inside the process of making this special issue – from notes about paper to the creation of illustrations.

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